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The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday September 15, 2011 in meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street Newtown, CT. 06470.
The meeting was called to order by Kathleen Quinn at 7:10p.m.
Present: Dan Holmes, Joe Borst, Sarah Hemingway, Barbara Toomey, Kathy Quinn
Absent: Ben Roberts, Desiree Galassi, Fred Hurley
Communications: Annual Report due to Town Clerk by end of Oct.
Distributed copy of press release from Clean energy Fianance and Investment Authority regarding next round of grants; article regarding clean energy jobs and an overview of the newly created department of DEEP (Dept. of energy and Environmental Protection) in CT.
Public Comments – None
Accept. Of Minutes from August 18, 2011 Meeting. Joe Borst motioned to accept and Dan Holmes seconded.  All were in favor.
Old Business
        Middle School/ Reed  Solar Panels – Fred had reported that we need updated information from Gino regarding work done at these two sites prior to submitting   an application for a grant.
        DCS – Ms. Quinn reported that due to Hurricane Irene, DCS was unable to submit all the required paper work for Newtown’s application and we will therefore not be able to benefit from this program.
        ESCO – All members noted their suggestions/changes to the proposal and they will be submitted to Fred Hurley on 9-16-11
        Signups – nothing to report
        Chamber of Commerce – nothing to report
Transition Movement -  Ms. Toomey reported that she did a presentation to Ben Roberts Monday Evening Group on 9-12-11.  There was a good discussion about the overall program but no real agreement on just how to implement it  in Newtown.  It was thought that additional work needs to be done on spreading the message.  Some recommendations included an article in the Bee, contacting Gary Davis and using his TV show and a presentation at the Library.
        Project Financing -  Mr. Holmes will  get together with Bob Tait to follow up on this.
New Business – none
Adjournment Mr. Holmes moved to adjourn the meeting.  Motion seconded by Mr. Borst.  The regular meeting of the Sustainable Energy Commission adjourned at 8:05p.m.
Next Meeting Date - Oct. 20, 2011

Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk